I feel like this is only true for people who do an ungodly amount of PvM. I have like 300m Slayer XP and like 4000 KC between Araxxor, Telos, Raksha, and other high level bosses rounding shit out. I used the supreme or elder salves the whole time, and even used adren pots when slaying. I made all of my potions of DXP and am sitting at 125m herb right now with like 3000 elder salves banked. I'm gonna make another like 3000 on DXP along with like 15000 adren renewals. That'll leave me with another 3500 hours of supplies at my current point in the game, having done all of my herblore on DXP.
That having been said, I know the statement still applies to a lot of people. Just saying that it's not remotely universal.