I got banned for sharing earthing with others

Never did I once attribute natural selection not taking place due to a lack of grounding, you've assumed that, and based an entire argument off of that assumption. Quite obviously, considering my mentioning of all these other issues that don't have any direct relation to grounding, my mentiong of natural selection was in defense of my deviation from nature argument, our deviation from nature has corrupted natural selection. It's argued that the majority of our ancestors died early on, but in modern times, virtually everyone lives, and virtually everyone reproduces, meaning natural selection no longer exists in any sufficient capacity. Also, I didn't say natural selection seized to exist, that's another fault you've made, I said it largely seized, as evidence shows it has.

An example of negativity is insulting someone, it's ignorant, unprogressive, harmful, unjust, and primitive, especially when the insult isn't founded on by any solid basis.

No, we should never blindly agree to anything, but don't mistake that point for an acceptance of blind disagreement, which you have done. That isn't okay either.

Diabetes relates to a deviation from the norm because our ancestors had very little of it, it has been caused by our deviation. We can see this by looking at non-pet animals and looking at their rates of diabetes, extremely low, despite them having the capabilities. Plus all of the other human evidence of its causes, though blurred by profit seeking actions, that's another story for another time.

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