I got burned after 2 years, how do I grow now?

1) never trust a bitch,never ltr,never cohabitate,and never marry.

2) you invested emotion and probably spent too much time with her(even accumulated time over time counts. Never spend more than 2 days a week with a bitch unless y'all work together.even then do other shit in another room or other side of the building where she can't see you.) They always want their way, and once you show emotional support of any kind(that's when your value starts to drop),it's a green light to disrespect you when she gets mad.

3) there is ALWAYS guys that are better looking and will blow you(and me,8/10 face,stubbled out,powerlifter body, unfortunately the belly too,average height.) Out of the water(in these bitches eyes). There are always guys that could fuck the living shit out of her and make her quiver,scream,whimper,squirt better than you(she knows this, sees this,hears about this bc she has eyes,ears,internet,and bitches gossip.),guys who have more money,status,taller,more godlike physique,more charisma,more swagger,etc than you OR ME(that's why we gotta keep becoming the best us we can be.).

She now has free reign to thot it up or hookup with some "better" guy.

4)you made the mistake of thinking the level of stuff you were doing and had going for you was enough,it wasn't.

Think I'm chatting rubbish G? Read your original post,then read no3 of my post, in that order. A light bulb should go off in your head.

"If you gotta choose between a bitch and self Improvement...always choose self Improvement. No matter what you have going for you,no matter what level you FEEL you're at...KEEP LEVELING THE FUCK UP! 24/7/365 until you die."

Good luck G.

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