Got her there

Some single celled organisms are very complex, actually. But anyway, you're focusing too much on complexity. Sometimes things get more complex, sometimes they don't. The point is that they adapt to their environment, that doesn't always require more complexity. Sometimes things can become too complex and it becomes a detriment to the organism.

> I don’t think I’m misrepresenting evolution when I say that it teaches that things have increased in complexity over time.

I'm sure it's what some people believe, we both know that things don't always get more complex, sometimes they get less complex, so it seems silly to say that it is taught one way scientifically then disproved scientifically. In reality, it's more of a common misconception, on par with the idea that oxygen tanks explode when you shoot them.

Here it is being discussed as I'm discussing it. You're definitely misrepresenting it, it's not evolution that you're disproving, it's people's misconceptions about evolution.

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