I got herpes as a child, why should I have to suffer? Why am I still viewed as careless and dirty?

Hey OP. I also got cold sores as a child (around 3 or 4 years old). Growing up until my 20s, I knew to not kiss anyone or share anything if I got an outbreak, which is super rare. I was fine mentally with having something that doesn't go away and can potentially spread to others without due diligence. However, as soon as I found out that cold sores were herpes. I freaked out. I still have trouble thinking about it and how I'm going to talk to potential dates about it simply because herpes has the biggest stigma outside of hiv. I understand what you're going through and wondering if people are going to judge you when you got it in an innocent manner or if they're going to tell people that you have herpes. Anyway, if you need someone to listen, feel free to PM me

/r/Herpes Thread