Got into a huge fight with my do I recover?

Why are you the stepmom to a kid who you could have been in school with? Your boyfriend is not a good dad. You do not need to be a stepmom right now either. Also, I bet you every penny in my savings that if you two ever broke up he would try to reconcile with his ex. Lady, you have all the apologies I have to give—you got bamboozled. Those kids get to be angry and it’s easier to take it out in you instead of their shitty dad. They can’t return him to the store. That man absolutely did break up with his wife to be with you. They should be mad at him and not you. Please tell me you went to college already. Because if this skeezy dude picked you up as a 20 year old and saddled you with three stepkids and didn’t help you finish your BA I will scream into my pillow right now.

You’re a babysitter with benefits, my dear.

/r/stepparents Thread