I got involved in a ldr but it feels impossible to visit my boyfriend as nobody would support me.

He’s shown pictures of his sister and the husband to me and even shown he’s sleeping on the couch. Why would him visiting his sister be concerning? Even now after I’ve seen who he’s with do you think it’s still something to be concerned about if so why?

I have also seen pictures of him as a kid and his siblings around him, his mum holding him and stuff. And I am sure if it was his wife he wouldn’t be on video call with me overnight she would be In bed with him. I have seen him go to pick up his sister that he lives with from high school I’m sure he wouldn’t have a kid that’s in high school at the age of 25 right? Do you think this is enough to prove it’s his mum and sister? Be truthful I won’t get offended and I understand your giving advice. Thank you for pointing these things out. I did think about some of them too.

/r/LongDistance Thread Parent