Got the message, "Bitch," from a guy who saw my new needlepoint. If actually knowing my worth makes me a bitch, I'm going to be the biggest bitch you've ever seen.

> I have no doubt he was offended, but who cares? He can do what everyone else has to do when offended - ignore it and move on with his day. Especially since it's likely he offends people as well - most everyone offends someone on the daily.

That's a pretty problematic viewpoint to hold.

> As for it being dumb, that's a subjective idea. I think this needlepoint is funny. It points out a common phenomenon which is usually ignored or not spoken about in polite company. Plus, this is decor for her house - she can use whatever she likes as decor. It's not like she's putting this up in her office or something.

She obviously posted it somewhere online, right? Unless this person just walked through her house and saw it. That's what I'm taking issue with. I don't care what she puts in her house.

The main problem with the artwork is that it naturally puts people on the defensive. If you take a message that's unpalatable, like "there are a ton of overconfident mediocre white men out there", condense it into a pithy phrase, and then post it on the internet, _you are actively hurting people's opinions of feminism_. Posting content like this is counterproductive, and IMO people posting it are still morally culpable for pushing people away from feminism. Realistically, the onus should be on the viewer to suppress their instincts and go with, but we don't live in a realistic world, so being unnecessarily inflammatory like this is pretty simply wrong.

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