Got pubg'd the other day.


Just bad aim... slow it down to .25 speed and examine each frame with a magnifying glass

OMG PUBG is so broken! ESPORT RDY GG!!!

At this point, I don't even fucking know any longer. I've been shot through fences, and I've shot through fences. Then again, I've been saved by fences, and I've been unable to shoot through fences. I've seen lag and desynce kill me, my teammates, and various streamers again, and again, and again... only to have people in this sub explain how "you can see that the crosshairs in this grainy low resolution screencap from the video are about half a pixel off." I've watched players teleport and fly. I've emptied a magazine of 7.62 into a player's face only to have him one-shot me with his shotgun when I go to reload.

To me, the very fact that so many instances can be cited as plainly sketchy means that this game is more broke than a homeless bum with a liberal arts degree and 40K in debt. To be frank, I'm getting sick of the frame-by-frame analysis that occurs each time, with neckbeards defending the game to their dying breath.

To be fair, they are right sometimes. But jesus fuck! The game is so inconsistent that is has to be broken.