I got reported and called a hacker

Lol, I made a clickbait thumbnail. I learned it from Stylosa. So, the story is, I've gotten called a hacker several times recently as I've been climbing on my smurf (playing DPS seriously) because of the way I aim. I pause, do a flick shot (hopefully hitting a headshot), then try to adjust and track the head for a crit. Some people have been saying I'm using an aimbot because it looks like I snap to a target and stick to them in realtime, but if you slow it down, you can see the sharp turns in the adjustments I make, and that it's not instant.

I think that people think I hack because I have a little pause between when I see something and when I flick, but that's cause it takes a tiny fraction of a second for my brain to calculate my target's movement, how to move my hand/mouse, and compensate for arrow drop/my own movement.

You might notice that I track or sometimes shoot the heads of people I've already killed and that's cause it's both a habit and something I can't really control. A lot of the times, I aim faster than I can think, and I haven't processed that I've killed someone before I end up tracking or shooting again.

I used to play a lot of TF2 as Sniper, so I'm used to turning and quick scoping (flick shots) and playing with the Huntsman (the bow in TF2). I also used to play a lot of Scout (sort of like Tracer with a Reaper shotgun), so I'm familiar with close range flick shots. Anyway, I'm still trying to carry my way out of gold on my smurf. I have 60%+ winrates on Hanzo, McCree, Widow, Pharah, and Doomfist, but I've been filling a lot cause other golds won't switch and only play DPS... Feelsbadman

/r/Overwatch Thread Link - youtube.com