Got this table for free today

You want something even more subtle? The end of that clip has a locals-only joke. Ricky says "Get the 59 home". The 59 is an actual bus route in Halifax (where the show films), but the place where they shot that scene is way out in the boonies, like easily an hour's walk from the closest bus stop. On top of that, garbage day for that area of the city at the time was on Sundays, and the 59 only runs once an hour on Sundays. So not only is Ricky Stranding Trevor in the middle of goddamn nowhere and making him walk an hour to get to a bus stop, he would also have to wait up to another hour at the stop before a bus actually showed up, then another hour on the bus taking it back to the terminal, then wait for up to another hour at the terminal before transferring to another hourlong bus trip heading north up the Bedford Basin, finally getting back and walking another half hour or so back to the real trailer park in Sackville where they shot the first season.

Instead of just driving back with him (where they were both going anyway), Ricky makes Trevor take a 4-6 hour trip home.

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