Gov. Kasich signs bill to legalize medical marijuana in Ohio

you need to understand exactly what this is and why they passed it as quickly and quietly as they could get away with...

they know there is a much more laxed law is coming in november, and they also know that popular opinion is we should make at least medicinal available to people in need.

so rather than allow the voter backed initiative with much more freedom, they pushed through a restrictive dickhead law that will kneecap the vote in november for a better piece of legislation.

think about it this way...

out of that large pool of potential voters for some form of decriminalization, there is a portion who just want something to happen... because they feel that the restrictive laws currently need loosened. these are people who don't smoke weed... but they know the current system is fucked... so they would have voted for something better.

now that pool of potential decriminalization voters just evaporated... because "we got what we wanted".

now the anti-marijuana dirtbags can say "you got what you wanted, and now you want more" and paint the entire voter initiative in november as "give them an inch they will take a mile" and "they already have medical" (even though the medical is extremely limited inthis piece of legislation) and keep people from voting for any real meaningful legislation.

passing this law makes it nearly impossible for the better law in november to pass...

and they know this... that was the entire point of pushing this through as fast as they did.

bottom line is the only reason this flew through the house and the senate so quickly is because government wants to keep it's stranglehold on the revenue stream they get from busting people for recreational use... and chaining them to the rehab/probation/drug testing system.

they don't want you do be able to grow your own for personal use, they want to keep everything in a prepackaged taxable and track-able form, they want to keep people from using...

this was the only way they could keep the old system in place and stop the rational reasonable decriminalization efforts in the next election cycle.

like i said in that other thread... if you ever see government moving this fast on anything... you are getting something broke off in your ass sideways.

sometimes you just have to dig a bit deeper than the surface to understand the motivations behind it.

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