Graduating medical school.. almost killed myself 8 months ago.

That's a ton of hours!! I'd probably fall asleep on the job. Standing up. Nurses really do deserve more credit. I'm not too sure what nurses are tasked with exactly. But taking care of an I'll patient, administer drugs, checking clinical records must not be easy. Also assisting patients coming right in after an accident/emergency situation. Takes a lot of guts.

80 hours, btw, is an insane amount. I hope the pay is good. At least. I wish you well in your studies : ). Just hang in there okay? Don't give up.

Ps. I met that girl on the internet btw. She's doing better now. I try to keep in touch with her when I can. You know. Just to chat and not only get to know her, but keep her company. Whenever I'm depressed I always rely on friends to cheer me up. Not everybody is as lucky as I might be though. Luckily she's going to therapy and taking steps towards healing

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