Graham Hancock BANNED from Serpent Mound. Why does establishment academia repeatedly silence anyone who points out evidence that Ancient American cultures could date back further than expected? What is the incentive to do that? Is it a conspiracy or a complex?

Hmm maybe because the Shawnee tribe and other indigenous groups are tired of people like Hancock saying their cultural achievements were actually aliens. The vast majority of ancient alien theories presume “primitive” cultures couldn’t possibly have made the structures they made and therefore aliens. Well those cultures aren’t happy with a westerner belittling and retconning their history.

Hancock is a hack who’s arguments have been debunked and rejected by credible anthropologists, archaeologists, and historians. Hancock’s work relies on the reader’s ignorance of the existing research on these cultures/structures. The facts that debunk the ancient alien theory are quite boring and not as salacious as “aliens did it.” Likewise, AA promoters use surface readings of religious texts to write aliens into them; but all scholars of religion refute these interpretations as profoundly misunderstanding the texts and their contexts. But no one wants to read about theology when they could read about aliens.

To be clear, there is certainly some evidence that UAPs have been around a long time, but little to no evidence of anything other than aerial & abduction phenomena. But if Hancock were a legitimate scientist, he would publish in scientific journals and open his findings to peer review. Instead, he writes salacious books for the new age section of the bookstore. If he wants to be treated like a legitimate scientist, he should act like one.

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