Graphic design or marketing jobs in Chicago?

No worries - I'm just hoping I can help in some way because i was in the same boat as you not too long ago. Another thing, I used a local address of a buddy here for my "address" on my resume and applications just because it showed Chicago vs. where I was moving from & working at the time I was applying for jobs (which was 3+ hours away in Fort Wayne, Indiana). A lot of people would question my intention on moving and such when they saw I was living and working in Fort Wayne and even though I would tell them I was planning on packing up and moving once I got a job, for some reason I always had better responses when I just told them I was in Chicago.

From what I found, it was better to have a Chicago address w/ my current/recent employment being in another city because I would at least get the chance to tell the employer/recruiter that "yes I do technically still live in Indiana but I am serious about moving to Chicago and just need the job to justify the jump."

Note - I'm not a graphic designer so I know there is always different hiring process with different industries, but I do work in technology and marketing as the ecommerce manager for a publishing company and found these tips to help me out. Even if it just can get you a few more interviews, its worth changing things up to help the job search.

Good luck!

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