GRE scores for T14?

Honestly this is the biggest mystery for me. I was originally planning on going to grad school so I took the GRE and got 97th on Verbal and 93rd on writing. I took the LSAT ignorant of the change in admissions at some schools and did alright but not great. I scored in the 90th, which was signifantly lower than my PT’s (I was above 96th) but I choked (twice). I think the computer based test is psychologically easier because I can’t go back and diddle on a past question. I know that technically you can but I adopted the mentality of just pushing through with confidence. I haven’t heard back from any school yet but I’m seriously wondering how this will work. I’m hoping that my high GRE will compensate for my low uGPA and lower LSAT.

/r/lawschooladmissions Thread