The Great Feast of Prince Robert's Name Day - 370 AC (Open)

Morning on 13th Day of the Eighth Moon

By the dewy morn, the festivities are stale and all of Lancion's interest in the revelry, the court, the conversation, and even the very stench of King's Landing have gone with the night. The Hewett knights assist Lady Annalise into the carriage. As Lancion follows his wife inside, the clouds open and the golden dawn ignites the crimson stones of the Red Keep. A knight also assists Evelynn, the bard of Lord Bannerion's affection now turned lady in waiting to that enigmatic Annalise.

The knights mount their steeds, the driver cracks the ropes, and the party speeds away. Inside the carriage, the lord and lady sit on one side. Lancion occupies himself with a daydream of the Oakenshield forest whilst Annalise stares with a hint of satisfaction at the distancing silhouette of the keep, growing darker with the sun rising behind it.

There is a hint of a smile when she looks at Evelynn. Lancion, after peering out the window and taking in the morning wind, adjusts the collar of his doublet and also sets his sights on the lowborn.

"I believe proper introductions are at hand. I need a thorough explanation of all your talents and skills," he says and fiddles with the edge of his sleeve. "All of them."

/r/awoiafrp Thread