So, this was a *great* idea

You missed my point. I'm saying that if they restructured the game in such a way that YOU (as a player) specified the ways you could play/want to play, then there would be different ways to achieve things.
There are goals/achievements that are difficult for rural area people to do, or people without a car, as examples. Or people with limited mobility.
I wasn't saying the GAME would be picking how you played the game...I'm saying it would be cool if the player could do more just than style their avatar/pick one of 3 teams. Yeah, my style of playing has changed a lot since 2016, and what I do on weekends vs weekdays is different too.

But let's say youre a player that really likes the walking around aspect to find pokemon in the wild? Maybe if that was part of your profile, you had more chances for SHINIES than someone who is mostly focused on raids. Or maybe if you're a "walker", eventually you get a discount on how many km it takes to get a candy (5km pokemon drop to 4.8km after you hit 2500km walked, 4.5km at 5000km...) I'm level 40 (waiting on 41 because I haven't done the 200 pokemon in 1 day). I'm over 22000 pokemon caught, and 14000 pokestops visited. Other people at my level are probably at 50000 pokemon caught, but less stops. Or maybe low trainer battles.

There are all sorts of ways we all play kind of differently. Why shouldn't the game adjust based on that? Rural players aren't going to have that many pokestops, but maybe they walk a heck of a lot more.
It's like saying in other games "I want to be strong, but not stealthy" or when you get XP in a game, and you decide how to distribute it "more damage per hit" or "increase my stamina". Can you imagine all those badges going to something "youve done 1500 raid boss CP drops by 5%". I don't know...all these are ideas/examples. It would keep people invested, I think.

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