The Great Lakes Justice Center is suing Detroit and Wayne County for voter fraud in the November 3, 2020 election.

I don't see how people can have even hope even if they actually believe all this fraud happened.

Whether the complaint survives a motion to dismiss would depend on whether the alleged irregularities are illegal or fraudulent as a matter of law (I have no idea), seeing as you can't get a complaint dismissed for lack of evidence. So we'll have to see if the affidavits are sufficient to obtain the preliminary injunction, which requires that the lawsuit is likely to succeed on the merits. (This is notwithstanding the standing issue that you raised in your other comment.)

Is there any chance that even if there was evidence, they would be able to get it?

If the motion for preliminary injunction fails, the case should proceed to discovery unless the complaint is dismissed, which (as noted above) depends on whether the allegations state a claim for relief.

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