The Great List of Non-Negotiables.

You can call it an arrogance, and yes, he is very clearly stating his way is right.

My point about lifting is that it was one of many items related to your own happiness. Here's the thing: i started lifting to get laid. So did everyone else. It helped me get laid.

But now that I know what it's like to lift, I will keep doing it forever, regardless of whether or not it helped with girls, because it feels great. As someone who knows how it feels, I want to share that feeling with you.

The arrogance comes from experience, it's the same supposed arrogance a teacher has when explaining math to a student. Of course this is much less of an exact science -- you could theoretically continue to argue that spending time on wow is comparable to these activities because it makes you happy, and I wouldn't be able to prove you wrong.

The whole point of advice, though, is to share happiness and experience. Our experience proved to us that our new lives and feelings -- after stopping these things -- are happier lives.

I used to waste time on reddit, other places on the internet, games. The thing is, the real truth is that I wasn't enjoying those hours. My true passions are drawing and programming. My time on those things was truly wasted. Let me explain: there are some games I truly love and having experienced them was a true joy. But 90% of games I played arent like that. I just came home and played out of habit more than anything. Hours on reddit and my prize was an occasional chuckle.

The choice to draw has led me to places with my art that I couldn't achieve before, and yes, it has brought me happiness that is orders of magnitude more fulfilling than the hours of reddit.

That's why I'm not saying stop gaming or watching TV or whatever the fuck you like doing. A game you love comes out? Great, go play it as much as you want. But dont waste your time gaming all the time, no one actually LIKES playing any and all games hours a day. Eventually it becomes a passive activity you do out of habit.

That's the choice you have to make, to break those habits.

I hope you understand why those choices are the ones that will lead you to a happier life.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent