Great question to ask relatives at Thanksgiving to see if they are full of shit...

You don't need to over think each word to telegraph you're rational and intellectual, you sound like a Fucking lawyer trying to sell a used car salesman something, cut the shit, this isn't about good faith and needing to sound like Sam Harris pre-Trump hard on. This sacrin sweet dripping with professor vocab adjective happy linguistical circle jerk projection shit has just got to go, it's fucking Reddit, tone it down champs, OP is dumpster fire diving how to drill for recreational family fights and ego plays, it's disgusting and fucking stupid, quit dressing up thoughts with on stage debate speak and cut the shit down to brass tacks.

Fuck his mental midget college freshman home for 1st TGive break battle cry.

Uncle Fester is gonna vote Trump cause he's a inherited wealth douchebag coke head, hillbilly, or emotionally compromised piece of shit, he ain't changing, fighting Dad/Mom is retarded , just don't go if you can't facilitate self control and show restraint on politics, and be smart and change the subject and bring up peace and unity , or get the fuck out.

If your family insists on politics at the table, he the fuck out, say thanks, I'm not talking into a trap so many fools do, bye, The End.

You don't need their validation approval nor hear their hair brained talking points.

/r/samharris Thread Parent