Great Wars

the Elywian Civil War.

Elywth is a peninsula around 80,000 km2, with a two mountain ranges: one separating the east and west called the Sylian Mountains, and one separating the north and south called the Elyrian Mountains, with only passes between. The major powers in play is Elyria, which is the northern region with the capitol Elyrhold on a cliff-side shore, Sylinia in the center with no coastal holdings and the capitol city Sylinar shrouded by mountains, Sylumbra to the south with an island capitol Sylrock, and Dyriloth to the west with it's capitol, Iylroth in a grassy plain.

The civil war began when the Elywian king declared war on the southern kingdom of Flerinoc, which made the regions of Sylinia and Sylumbra, which have large populations from that region and close trade connections, rebel against the larger government They allied under a leader named Eyrun Syrtrys and the king of Flerinoc, and began moving north with their forces, led by battlemages, with a fleet moving from the south to aid them

The region of Slyinia is near-reliant on trade with Flerinoc, for their poor agricultural lands use a type of ingrediant call Sol powder, only found in Flerinoc to sustain their farmland, and they export Soulstones, stones with many magical properties to the southern kingdom as well. The region of Sylumbra creates potions, since it is a region rich with flora and fauna, and they trade the potions and ingredients to the Flericians.

The battlemages of the southern states are incredibly powerful and the typical Elywian battlemage binds their soul energies to a type of material, usually steel, to be able to manipulate it via telekenesis. The more skilled the mage, the broader the scope of materials they are able to manipulate. The most powerful decimate the northern forces by turning their own weapons and armor against them, eventually overtaking all of Dyriloth, and beseiging the city Iylroth for 100 days before they break through. The southern forces push north, with the Flerician fleet weakening the Elyrian naval forces and landing on the eastern shores, pushing towards the capital Elyrhold. The city sustained a seige for 700 days before they broke through. The unique stone was specifically designed to thwart battlemages breaking the walls down through it's magic-resistant nature. The southern forces secured the peninsula, and crowned Eyrun Syrtys emperor, and the Syrtrian Empire began.

/r/worldbuilding Thread