The greatest book of all time

The pretense in these replies is outrageous.

I'm assuming you're talking about my response? Pretension definitely wasn't my intention. Sorry.

I was just looking for a little commiseration, not for an attack on my choice in literature.

In the event that you have my posts in mind, I'll stress that I never attacked your choice in literature. I was simply talking about critical tendencies and why It doesn't show up on some of those lists. I worded my response very carefully to not be insulting...and I don't think anything I said was insulting.

I mean, I've read and enjoyed Stephen King novels, too. I don't think there's nothing wrong with liking It or thinking it's the best.

Also, you really shouldn't be surprised or dismayed when threads like this result in something other than commiseration because that expectation wasn't clear in your original post and, moreover, people tend to respond to threads by expressing their own opinions rather than whatever might best placate the OP. Tact is important, of course, and I'm sorry if others weren't tactful, but threads are unpredictable...don't let it get you down.

Thanks, but no thanks. Last time I do this.

You can't expect every thread to be filled with responses that align with your personal preferences, though. At any rate, I'm sorry if anything I said offended you.

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