Greek security tries to drive off turkish boat from international sea zone

I am Greek and I have to say this is disappointing.

There are 2 types of people, the pieces of shit that are obsessed with their country and the normal ones who take the step to see the full picture. There are people like this in both countries. The guy shooting: "Πήγαινε κοντά του" (translation: Go closer to him) is that close-minded guy eating whatever is served in the Greek history books, the ones that say all the bad things Turks did but ignoring the rest (we both have acted barbarian to each, its a fact). Clearly and thankfully he is not the one in charge.

I searched the coordinates, they appear to be in Greek territory according to: (which im not sure if it even works for that occasion) but I also have no idea if we even have internal zones between us as I am not an expert on the topic.

Probably this comment is just going to sink, but I don't mind

/r/Turkey Thread Link -