Greenland lost 2 billion tons of ice yesterday, which is very unusual

ice cores

When there is summer melting, the melted snow refreezes lower in the snow and firn, and the resulting layer of ice has very few bubbles so is easy to recognise in a visual examination of a core. Identification of these layers, both visually and by measuring density of the core against depth, allows the calculation of a melt-feature percentage (MF): an MF of 100% would mean that every year's deposit of snow showed evidence of melting. MF calculations are averaged over multiple sites or long time periods in order to smooth the data. Plots of MF data over time reveal variations in the climate, and have shown that since the late 20th century melting rates have been increasing.

Also useful excerpts within the link related to measuring melt cycles and changes in climate: isotopic analysis, Palaeoatmospheric sampling, Glaciochemistry, radionuclides. But they're way more in depth

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