Greenland's ice is melting at the rate scientists thought would be our worst-case scenario in 2070

                      LEFTIST DISHONESTY

The biggest issue is the honesty and integrity of the "scientists".

EXAMPLE: 97.4% of scientists agree on Global Warming. We have all seen this statistical figure many times. This implies that MILLIONS of "scientists" are in agreement but that is a Bold LIE. The "Libtard Study" included only Libtard "scientists",all from the same group, a total of only 77 "scientists" 2 of whom disagreed. It is true that 75 ÷77 is 97.4% but that is the only honesty in their statement.

Their lack of honesty, ethics, and integrity hurts their cause. You cannot believe anything they say. They operate under the principle that the End Justifies the Means, an old Cold War Communist Slogan.

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