Greetings from Goblin Town

" Introduction to scene: Aslog sat outside Votar ro avhe Hnifer with a small bad of Goblins inside his Litter, He instructs a small goblin to go to the gate and yell for Grom. The massive gates slowly opens to reviel a dozen Uruks astride massive wolves. They looked fucking menecing with their one ands and mounts. The foremost Uruk sat astride a blazing white Wolf and it was Grom Daggerfist. He lead his warriors out and when he got 20 paces away he spoke:"

Grom- The cheiftain spoke sternly, "An' who might ye be? Judgin' by tae tub o' lard I see settin there, I imagine yer from Goblin town. Is dis tae grat king I've 'eard so much about?" The other red orcs begin to laugh to themselves at their chief's remark. "Wot is et yew want?"

Goblin King- Aslog accepted the Uruks slight with ease, he was used to such things." Did you happen to see the message left for us at the mouth of the valley? Thats what i have come to speak to you about" Aslog answered

Grom- "Aye, I saw et. Wot do yew want from et? I don't like much in tae ways of other Orc tribes than me own tribe." The Orc cheif's mount starts to shift back and forth with impatience while cheif strokes it behind the neck and ruffles its fur. "Dae Queen may be dead but I still gots a tready to uphold, weez an honourable folk, don't want to cross the Dalemen."

Goblin King- " Yes i know about how you had a treaty with the old Queen of Dale but this new King Beldon doesnt like the treaty the woman made with you. That is why he sent the message , Dalish worriors killed the Uruks and piled them for you too see. Have they sent any more supplies or even a word to you since the queens death. You know the death was not a natural one. My spies have told me that Kind Beldon overthrew the Queen so he could break the treaty with you and take Votar ro avhe Hnifer. His builders built it did they not? So they would know the weakpoints they placed within the walls to break your defenses. Think about how easily they helped you. You think that after a thousand years of hatred of our kind would be so easily forgotten. I think not." Aslog let the statement sink in. " They used you and your Uruks as guard dogs. Now that the work is done and they can now hold High Pass they no longer need you. They will come for you." " And can you defeat them Grom? six thousand Dalish Warriors against 500 Uruks... you will lose My friend." Aslog waited for Groms reply.

Grom- Conversations erupted between the tribe members behind Grom, a lot of uneasiness was felt in the crowd. Grom held up his hand and the loud speech slowed into a low mumble and into scilence. He then continued, "If what you say is true, that the new King isn't like the woman who had helped us. What would you suggest for our kind to do?" He put his hand, pointing at the fortress, "This is our home, we have nowhere to go but here and we will die defending this home."

Goblin King- Aslog smiled coyly. "Do you wish to reamain in peace Grom?"

Grom- Grom's eyes narrowed as he leaned in, "I may wish that, but the world does not always give us what we want"

Goblin King- " I can give it too you Grom. If you agree to allow my forces to come and go as we please . We will steer clear of your fortress and allow you to tax all trade that comes through here as you see fit. " " I think we could form a beneficial agreement. I would only ask that if i need it that i could come and Hire your worriors on a volenteer basis. they would be their own masters and leave as they wish.How does that sound?"

Grom- Grom stares the Goblin king down for a period before replying, "I accept these terms, just leave me and my people alone and we will not aid the Dalemen in the upcoming conflict." The orc chief turns his wolf around and begins to head inside, his men look back at you with eyes of hatred and follow suit.

Goblin King- Aslog was very please with himself as he watched the Uruks go back into his castle. Maybe after he breaks Carrock he will come back and smash Grom and his insolent uruks.

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