Greetings from UFP Starfleet

Housing HQ -- the process is simple... We scout a prospective fleet that can carry a roster count of at least 15 online. THEN we add them to the armada. After a second vetting period.. and a vote is taken - the fleet owner gets ONE character placed in the Alpha fleet. So at any one point in time.. we can only have 12 fleets in our armada - the top fleet is alpha ( the 13th fleet ) and at the MAXIMUM - 12 members. So this way there is not one fleet under the mercy of an "Alpha"

So.. again... ONE character PER Fleet Owner is a rank 7 in the "Alpha" fleet.

This will allow us to become "Modular" as well. We can form Another "HQ" consisting of a Beta Chain we break off the main armada. We will use the main armada to "Stock" the second armada- and then the two armada's once full again.. will break off one beta chain and stock a 3rd.. so on so forth.. There will not be one map, one zone, one instance that you will not see my armada.

This is my plan.. this is my idea.. nobody else is doing it.. My target goal for each armada is 500 active logged on users at any giving time ( 2 year goal per armada ) at one point.. people will be leaving their fleets asking us to join. This has been going for not even a month.. and we carry over 100 people logged on at any point in time.. at this pace we will reach 500 a year before we even hope.. I only said 2 years b/c it takes about 2 weeks to scout a fleet - then you add in a Vetting period. It's a massive plan. But community is what I love. It's diplomacy on a massive scale. Which in my opinion - is what Star Trek should be about...

Discovery, Learning, Diplomacy, Exploration.

and hey- if I fall short of my goals... its will still be more "busy" than any other armada in the entire game...

Thank you for your curiosity. Please do not share this plan with anyone as w/o the proper introduction or "reasons" behind it- it will seem very " egotistical" as well as " impossible" and it will become counter productive and possibly mar the UFP Starfleet reputation as well as the reputations of those that affiliate with us.

I just wish that armada names appeared in sector space and system space not just on the ground.

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