Greg Doucette Vs. Andrew Huberman - Calories In Calories Out DOESN'T Work!?

The truth is there are tons of overweight people who muddle the topic with a bunch of nonsense just to deny the fact that the reason they're so fat is because they eat too much. And for these people the overwhelmingly most imprtant change they can make to lose weight is to literally just eat less food. And for these folks a podcast like Huberman's about how to burn fat better might just end up being more of a distraction for them than is beneficial.

It's like a total newbie at the gym obsessing about what the optimal set of reps/sets/rest days, fat/carb ratio etc. is for them when really they just need to get in the gym and lift and eat consistently and they'll make progress.

On the other hand, it's unfair to just yell CICO at someone who's trying to shed bodyfat from 15% to 12% for example when we know there are a ton of hormonal and chemical systems that actually make it way harder for some people to do that than others; and in such cases the info like what Dr. Huberman gives on his podcast is extremely useful.

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