Grill asks for critique of physique in /r/bodybuilding, acts like a butthurt retard when the sub is honest

How about the people that actually gave helpful advice, but you were too busy yelling at the people that "weren't"?

Those people were basically rating you which you asked for.

I didn't ask for a rating on r/BB.

Not every form of criticism has to be fully constructive and well detailed either.

Not every form of criticsm has to be rude either. Ever thought of that?!

Long story short, you're refusing to listen to people that are trying to work with you, and for the love of god, I hope you're not anything like this in real life. Unless you like being fired from work.

Oh wait, maybe that's why you have so much time to be on reddit and not lift.

You're making personal shit up again. Maybe you should try to self-reflect a little, too.

I did take any actual advice, but most people were just making assumptions "You just use excuses and don't actually work out", "you probably just sit there when you go to the gym and don't actually do something", "you were just looking for compliments", etc.

The actual advice I got based on my post is is:

  • Everything needs work

  • Flare your lats more when doing back double bi

  • Keep working on getting bigger shoulders and leaning down if you want to compete

Advice I got later on from people after I said what I am doing at the moment (but also partly based on their assumption that I have been doing this for 2 years xD xD xD) was:

  • do a set program instead of what you are doing now

To everyone calling me a cunt or saying I'm an attention seeking bitch that looks like she just bought workout clothes and took photos:

Give me a chance to present myself or don't judge my character based on how I react to rude assholes on the internet. See how I workout or don't judge my workouts based on lack of muscle definition when I'm bulking, especially not when you don't even know where I started!

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