Why is grinding in games so popular?

That is true. I guess the deeper comparison there would be knowledge. You learn what spell combos work, why to do <x> instead of Y. What will help you clear things the fastest.

It all kind of relates to a sense of accomplishment. For me, I generally dislike grinding, but it can be super rewarding even for me. All that battle square square grinding in Final Fantasy VII seemed worthwhile when I got Omnislash, for example.

Obviously the two cannot be total analogs, but I think grinding can simulate the work towards a sports goal and the reward at the end of the grind can likewise simulate the reward. Sport, at a highly competitive level, is something most people don't get to do. Most people can, however, work at a game and improve. If you want to look at that more in reflex or switch orientated games instead I think you can do that as well. Most anything you practice a lot of you will develop muscle memory for and be able to preform what were previously complex actions without any thought at all with enough practice.

At the end of the day, it is all just fun pastime activity I guess, but it doesn't mean it can't also create some interesting thought exercises! :)

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