Gritty makes the scene at today’s counter-protest

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with nationalism, but the term seems to have been hijacked by neonazis which is unfortunate. I also think when nationalism is used as a way to hurt or look down on others, that’s when it becomes a problem. Nationalism isn’t the same white nationalism, but it’s being conflated with it. Marco Rubio wrote an article about nationalism in the Wall Street Journal that I really liked. Now you don’t have to like Rubio, but I thought it was a pretty good take. Here it is:

I wasn’t at the protests or anything today so I don’t know what went down, but from what I can see, there were maybe 15 proud boys there, sitting in a field with some flags. There was nothing inherently violent On their side, but I saw some random videos of fights breaking out on the counter-protest side, fighting with police and whatnot. Then there’s the Jewish guy that was called a Nazi and beat up. It’s just sad really. I condemn political violence in all forms from all sides.

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