Ground transportation from Bellingham

You do understand that no matter how you return you are required to completely self-isolate for 2 weeks, right?

How you going to get home from the border? It's highly unlikely CBSA and BC will allow a family member to pick you up.

If you're living with family up here, you will be required to isolate from them as well... unless they're going to quarantine with you.

And that means complete isolation - no going out for groceries. You literally need to lock yourself up in your home for 2 weeks.

Also, you need to pre-send to the government the complete details of your isolation plan (where you're staying, how you plan on providing yourself all your necessities, etc.) before you arrive at the border.

If your plan isn't good enough for them, I'm pretty sure they can force you to quarantine in a hotel for the 2 weeks.

If you're already aware of all of this, then I hope you can get home soon.

/r/vancouver Thread