Find A Group! LFG - Weekly Thread

Platform: PS4

PSN ID: please DM me for that. Please talk about yourself a bit - SR, characters, your personality, time available, etc.

SR: 2500-2800 range

Preferred characters, in order of preference: Zarya, Mercy, Ana, Hog, D.Va, Reinhardt, Lucio, Soldier, Tracer

MON-FRI 2100-0200 GMT (that's 1700-2200 EDT or EST+DST if you will)

SAT-SUN free

The only thing I definitely don't tolerate is toxicity. I'm too old and too tired for people that complain without offering suggestions. I'd gladly switch strategies if the current one isn't working and I'm more than happy to learn what I'm doing wrong in order to improve. What I don't want in any circumstances is a "that's it gg omg I can't believe we're losing again" kind of teammate. I just can't play with toxic crybabies.

I don't mind losing either. I don't base my sense of self-worth on my Overwatch rank. I like to play well and do a good job, even going through my own gameplay to spot mistakes when I have the time. Winning is a consequence of playing well, period.

/r/OWConsole Thread