Group projects and the lessons they teach

Current group slacker here. A while ago (when we first got the project), I tried everything I could to get the project properly going. I didn't care that we bs'd the design, but I kept trying to get the group to get at least a partial prototype or at least a solid base.

I ended up getting frustrated and giving up. I told them I'd have a lot less time later, so we should get as much done as possible now. After countless "group meeting" (aka putting everything off until the next meeting) I just couldn't get the energy to start any communicate with the group. I was pretty much cut off from the beginning.

Skip to now: group hasn't contacted me since except for the occasional "can you meet at this time you can't meet at" "no, how about this time?"... no response. The one time we've met since then was literally nothing (nobody talks unless I talk first I guess..). Any questions I asked were met with no answer or "idk", so I'm pretty much completely out of the loop now.

Annoying part is, we're all using something we've never done before, but nobody wants to help anyone else learn. I don't have the proper equipment to learn it on my own. These people suck so bad at explaining things, and they hardly even try.

Ya, I know I should be more pro-active and all that shit, but it's exhausting. Especially since I've been dealing with mental illnesses. I just can't...

To answer the questions:

  1. What did you think your responsibility was?
  2. My responsibility wasn't made clear, because when we tried to lay it out nobody gave an answer (much less a committed answer). In light of this, I did the part that was most separate from the other parts. I can't finish without their parts, which I can't get the specs for.
  3. Why was it "do nothing and let the guy who 'wants' to do it all, do it all"?
  4. It wasn't. Nobody wants to do it. I just don't have the energy to try to keep myself together, much less the group.
  5. How DARE you?????
  6. Fuck me.
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