Group Writing Game?

Once upon a time, there was a large island. The island was covered with bright green wild grass and beautiful flowers. But winter was coming. In the matter of a few days, the island would be covered in a sheet of snow. This would mean the end of the farming season. Thankfully, there was a plentiful amounts of food on the island, enough for everyone, so people managed to stockpile. Everything on the island was perfect, and beautiful for many people... except one. One family, one made of knights and nobles, had a daughter named Olivia. She was about 20 years old. She was a kind girl. He father was a former knight, and her mom was a mage for the king. The young girl herself had recieved very minimal magic lessons, but had done mostly knight training. She was an bad fighter hoeever, better than the average person thanks to some training, but still bad. But she was bored on the island. She seeked adventure. Something new. To go explore the world. One day, she used her family's wealth to buy a ship from a local merchant. As the snow started to fall on the night day of winter at 11 at night, she ran from home. Bringing with her only a Bastard Sword should she ever face danger. As the moon rose in the sky, she felt the icy wind on her face, going for explore the world....

/r/writers Thread