GRYFFN from Global needs to be BANNED for boosting in Arena.

Ive been a member of Reddit community for a while, as I have also been playing SW for the same amount of time. The two go hand in hand... as does Com2us forum. Just because Some Girls get hurt and they want to cheat themselves aka(the accusor and founder of this entire thread) doesnt mean that their actual proof is proof. 1) i have alot of friends that can create photoshoped images of "texts and words" making it look true but really, its just a sham 2) Gryffyn has gotten rank 2 3 4 5 6 7 every week for a year but failed to get legend because he was improving and reaching his Apex of performance, which yall are seein now. 3) Many have risen n fallen from the ranks of legend but none have been hard working and Honest as Gryffn ... See the thing is you dont and wont see Gryffn banned EVER because hes legit and yall just doin wut u do best, cryin like bytches, Dont worry though if you want to be good youll come to the NEW LIVE RTA wars that will be happening... then you can also defend urself for all your keyboard waring. I MEAN lol no one rreally beleives that this half wit attempt of real colluders who came together to create this thread. EVERY PERSON WHO SPOKE IN ACCUSATION HERE OF GRYFFN CHEATING, THEMSELVES HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF COLLUDING! HAHA FUNNY THING IS , IF A READER HERE WANTS TO KNOW THE REAL COLLUSION, JUST LOOK AT THE NAMES AND START PUTTING 2 AND 2 TOGETHER... THERE IS 3 GUILDS ATM in g3 who have created an inter guild collusion and hence have created this thread as a part of attempting to remove the one player who is whooopin dey azzes... Sigh, but i digress, the little trick where u post pics of gryffn getting hit by 1 person for 3 defense successes doesnt constitute boosting, as its probably just a simple pic of 2 ppl who know eachother in a distant chat far far away in the universe where that person who lost NERVOISLY AND disapointedly marked his failure in a joking manner.... or maybe its a computer generated picture of photoshoping... hmm, the world may never know... WHAT WE DOOO KNOW IS, those who have accused here are part of an interguild collision of the most fascinating form, where they continue to hop and trade players between in order to create a strong friendship n alliance, what we have here is a failure to communicate, just a bunch of blatent cheaters who have had their feelings hurt cuz they care too much.

/r/summonerswar Thread Link -