The GTA series feels like it is going downhill

Leslie Benzies was the former producer and designer of all past Rockstar's games. He was in the company for more than 20 years. He's responsable for 50% of all the masterpieces we like. From GTA SA to GTA V and through Red Read Redemption, this guy was along with Houser brothers the spirit of Rockstar Games. Actually, RDR was a mess and this guy maintained control of the situation and managed to pull out the game while the Houser brothers were freaking out.

In 2014 he took a sabbatical year of Rockstar and in 2016 he left the company, and then started a lawsuit over royatly payments. He was the main leader in GTA V's DLCs, and that's a fact because we even have audio files from datamining some years ago in GTA V Story Mode.

Not taking any sides, because I like Leslie same I like the Houser brothers, but this guy was one of the three pilars of Rockstar, and when he left, the company became a mess. Houser brothers are trying to fix it, and probably they will, but while they figure out what to do with one of the main leaders out, the future of GTA V became a wreck and they focussed on online to not be silent for years. Bad thing, for Take-Two saw a great proffit on it and now what was a counter meassure has become the main thing in the company.

I do hope Houser brothers do not lose sight for the Story Modes in the future, tho. But being honest, Rockstar Game's future right now is a mistery. Only RDR 2 and the next GTA will tell how the company now manage things.

TL;DR Leslie was one of the main leaders and when he left Rockstar Games became a bit of a mess. But they're trying to fix it.

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