The Guardian - 'It put me on antidepressants': welcome to GOMI, the cruel site for female snark.

Nothing quite beats the awfulness of the alcoholic, morbidly obese owner, Alice Walker Wright Original name: Alice Ridley; ex-camwhore name: Mercatur; GOMI name: PartypantsNYC. Don't you fucking forget that she lives in Brooklyn which automatically makes her superior to everyone on the planet. First, read these comments she's made on her own site. Take note of the ridicule that she gives women that lament miscarriages. According to her, it's nothing more than "medical waste". It's an interesting read. Recently, her entire web of lies and her sordid past has been revealed. Alice has stated many times in private chat that in the 1990's she had a baby on prom night and gave it to a gay couple. Oh so progressive! (She's been lying about her age for years. She says she's 34, but according to her birth certificate (and marriage certificate), she's well into her 40s. Oh, on the subject of marriage... This woman frequently berates and insults both bloggers and GOMI users for getting married, yet she herself was married in 1993 and a few months later gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. She immediately abandoned her son, left him with her ex, and moved to Califonia. She became a camwhore a few years later, beginning the Mercatur years. You see, Alice was very hated by fans of Cracky-Chan. This was followed by numerous trolls harassing her, hacking into her site, and the like. They found out where her parents lived, informed them that their precious (and major disappointment of a daughter) was both whoring herself out to pathetic, basement dwelling, unemployed losers that will fap to anything and in a embarrassing internet war with someone unarguably more "famous" than her. Oh, here's a small collection of pictures from this time. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, there are no nudes. Here's a little more info on the internet feud and a few comments about Alice. Now, let us discuss her complete failure as a "web mistress". Don't you dare inform her of any site issues, no matter how well-meaning they are. This will result in her drunkenly insulting you and banning your account. Apparently, it's not her fault she refuses to maintain her site and uses an outdated Wordpress plugin to keep things going. She told an outlandish lie that she's spending 3000 dollars a month to have the site upgraded and run by professionals. This was, of course, completely false and has refused to acknowledge it again. Her interaction with users who kindly point out that berating bloggers that discuss miscarriages, pregnancies, their children, and other harmless things is inherently illogical, irrational, and overall ridiculous incurs the wrath of Partypants. This is followed by a "pile-on" by PP's mindless followers. You will be (unsuccessfully) slayed by a group of women with poor grammar and no college education, followed by copious amounts of emoticons reminiscent of 2005 message boards. Partypants has a deep hatred and jealously of a mildly successful, formerly Mormon mommy blogger that spent many years living in Brooklyn, Natalie Holbrook ("Hey Natalie Jean"). Natalie can do no right by Partypants. The only explanation for this is Alice's envy for a thin, well-liked woman. Natalie is married to a loving lawyer, lived in a lovely loft, and has a beautiful son. She has tortured Natalie via GOMI, email, and phone. She as started campaigns to have her career ruined, made false claims that she's anorexic, that her husband doesn't love her, and has made fun of her long infertility struggles. But this pales in comparison to the horrible thing she did to Emily ("The Freckled Fox") and Martin Meyers. Emily is a 24 years old Mormon mommy blogger (mother to five). She is fucking stunning, fit, has a hot husband, and lives in a mansion. Unfortunately, her dear husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer a few months ago. Stage 4 metastatic melanoma. They discovered this while Emily was heavily pregnant with her fifth baby. Immediately after this revelation on her blog, Partypants wrote a long post about how Emily and Martin are lying about his cancer with absolutely no evidence. Hundreds of people began sending the Meyers death threats. The Freckled Fox forum on GOMI took a disgusting turn. These psychopaths created outlandish lies about this harmless family. Most claimed to be "doctors" and stated that the type of cancer he had was impossible, he looked too good to have cancer, therefore he was lying, and that the photos of him in the hospital after surgery were faked and were taken on a set instead of a hospital. The doctors were actors. Emily came to defend her and her husband, writing a rather heartbreaking post about although she is attempting to put a happy front for her followers and her children (all under 5 years old), she is completely devastated. She stated that she spends her time crying in private and feels as if her life is falling apart. This was followed by a copious responses claiming it was bullshit, she had no right to defend herself, the only way they'd believe her is if they posted private medical documents, and other hateful things. It was a spectacle. Several weeks later, Emily decided to post the proof to the blog "Warrior Eli Hoax", a blog dedicated to both exposing cancer hoaxes, as well as proving the supposed hoaxes are legitimate diagnoses. Partypants' response? Emily should have never contacted Warrior Eli. The proof BELONGED to GOMI. She was criticized for this by many. Yet, no GOMI users dared to criticized Partypants, who started this damaging rumor. Partypants refuses to take down the posts about the family, as well as the forum. So, the rumor continues on and will until Martin dies, which he will very soon, leaving a lovely incredibly young wife with several tiny children behind. GOMI is already speculating the this woman is already looking for a new husband to take care of her and she doesn't care that Martin will die. It's quite a heartbreaking situation. How can one feel comfortable talking about a family in crisis in such a way. I hope that all of the GOMI users die a slow, painful death. Who deserves it more? A young kind mother or a group of pathetic cunts who threaten to kill an innocent woman, her dying husband, as well as their kids? Now, do you still consider those that hate this site as "butthurt"?

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