To the guards who led, worked on and helped in the Ana Kriegal case...

I agree, absolutely well done to the guards on this. Pure professionalism. Well done to all the good people on this case. Condolences to Ana's poor parents and God Bless Ana, may she rest in peace.

To the people saying Boy B shouldnt have been convicted.

  • Boy A spoke about the possibility of murdering someone to Boy Band then mentioned Ana's name in the same breath, a month prior the murder. Boy B knew well what he was doing when he was leading her to her death that day. He was an accomplice and knew exactly what was happening. He could have stopped at any moment to tell her to go back home. Whether he helped is another thing altogether. There was gloves present, there was at least two murder weapons.

  • Theres also the video of him on Boy A's phone wielding a big wooden stick similar to a weapon and striking a rock with it in said video. Small evidence but shows his headspace.

  • He had rules written out for a satanic cult which he started with his friends, which was in his notebook, he gave some awful lie about why that was there.

  • I know he was a teenager but he constantly lied and lied and lied while that poor girls body was in that house.

Those are only thoughts from my first read through. Both those boys are pure evil and should be fucked into a cell to rot alone for the rest of their miserable days.

/r/ireland Thread