I guess Aba and Preach thinks sexual assault is only when you smack the girl up and penetrate her and not making a girl uncomfortable with sexual advances

you didnt read a word right? like i clearly stated that i hate fnf they are clearly sexist incel douchebags but just beacuse i hate them doesnt mean i accept a woman making false accusations and yes this is her opinion and we are married so i understand well what im talking about you are just completely focused on what is being said by her and completely ignore all the facts and textmessages that prove her to be the instigator im sorry if you jump in a volcano youll die dont jump in its that easy you cant blame the volcano for killing you fnf dudes are clearly instable why tf would anyone instigate sexual stuff and then play the victim card if not for attention and before you respond please check first what really happened

is he wrong for lifting up her shirt and making sumb comments hell yes the guys an absolute douche but is she wrong to stand half naked without a bra infront of his bed while having agreed on spending the night and having sex absolutely yes

not rape just idiots on both sides

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