I guess I completely lost interest in coding.

It’s okay to feel burnt out. I tutored a friend of mine for over a year. She became obsessed, and by the end of it she was programming things that really impressed me. Suddenly one day she said she was done with it forever, and I felt so bad for her. But, about six months later she took a look at it again and realized how much she loved it and missed it and is back into it, but she’s taking it slow this time.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed—learning programming is like drinking from a fire hose. Lots and lots to learn. Life is very long, it’s the longest thing you’ll ever experience, so there’s no sense in rushing. Let yourself relax and not look at it for awhile.

When you get back into it, do it the way you like. I never ever learn new programming concepts by studying. Maybe watch an introductory video or two, but after that immediately start making your own thing. Most importantly, on your own time, in a way that is good for your body and mind—not arbitrary deadlines.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread