I guess that’s what happens when old people who dont have a clue get to vote

Joke aside, I kinda want to discuss about these article 13 stuff from the perspective of our enemies since I can't find the right place anywhere. So I've seen a lot of people ranting, "They'll take our memes." In my opinion, yes it sucks that we'll lose much of our memes in EU because I also love memes. (Sorry, kinda politics, you can ignore this if you don't want to.)

But my question is: Are we entitled to rant about this? I mean, Those memes like Thanos memes or some sort of it are taken from a licensed movies right? does this makes us thieves at the first place? And maybe you can argue, "It's just a picture or clip of several frames of a movie" or, "It'll ruin many people's career, especially reviewers and memelords." but the issue is, we're taking their content without permission, and when they fight this, are we have right to feel angry? in other words, just expect them to deal with it?

Maybe there are many info I missed. I just don't know very much what's going on.

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