Guess someone needs to collect their winnings

The problem with US gunlaws is that its too late to just make gun purchases stricter and disallow carrying a gun. Theres already too many Guns fluctuating in the system. To get it all under control like some countries do, they would need to call back every single issued gun, leaving the Black market and illegal Guns in control. Which obviously would be way worse.

Honestly, im all for a gunless society, sure Police and military should carry, but its too late to change this for the US sake. Maybe a mass recall of all Guns and destroying them all, then restarting from scratch would be the best bet, but then agian this would cause such an uproar that im sure it wouldnt happen. But if you look at our statistics below :

Take my country for Example. Norway, in 2018 we had 28 murders, total in the entire year. 9 of which were with a knife, 5 with a gun in an entire year. Police are not carrying Guns, no citizens are allowed to carry outside of hunting seasons, but you are allowed with a permit to have them in your home. Albeit it needs a licence and not everyone can have one.

Its at the point where ive never seen a gun with the exceptions of at the gun range and hunting rifles. In my 28 years here. I feel very safe as in worst case scenario you get beat up with fists, you just dont get shot as no one pulls a gun when threatened. Sure it prvokes an extra fist fight here and there, but no one is dying and theyre getting their punishment.

We just dont have a lot of Guns in the hands of random people, and you cant just carry it around if you do happen to have a licence.

No one having Guns is obviously the solution to fewer murders, but how the us would go about to fix that i have no idea.

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