Guess What? Being Overweight Is Not Bad For Your Health After All!

Yes, and none of them are based on actual science or are STEM based studies. You have no idea WTF you're writing about. Please, go back to tumblr. You're ridiculous. You're, obviously, NOT reading the "studies". Do you even know how to read?

  1. Boyles, Salynn. Web MD, "Study: Overweight People Live Longer," 2009

"Kaiser's David Feeny, PhD, who was a co-author of the study, tells WebMD that there are theories, but no hard evidence, to explain why carrying a few extra pounds may add a few years to your life."

But it is less clear why those who are overweight would have a lower risk of death than those whose weight is considered normal.

Because being overweight is a risk factor for a host of chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes , one theory is that their survival advantage is due to the fact that they receive more aggressive treatments to prevent these conditions.

  1. Yomiuri, Shimbun., "Japanese Study Shows Overweight Live the Longest," 2009

The above has no sourcing, no peer review and hasn't been validated, reviewed or examined. It's a sham.

  1. O'Brian, Jennifer. UCSF, "UCSF-led study suggests link between psychological stress and cell aging,"

The above is un-sourced, doesn't support your "position" at all what-so-fucking-ever. You spelled her name wrong.

Ms. O'Brien isn't a scientist or a researcher. You're ridiculous. Here is her CV.

  1. Warren, Danielle. The Guardian, "Study: Diets Fail to Produce Long Term Weight Loss," 2007

WTF does this have to do with your statement that being overweight is healthy? It DOESN'T. Facepalm.

Additionally, there is no sourcing, peer review by QUALIFIED ACADEMICS (SCIENTISTS) and professionals.

  1. Flicker, Leona. BBC, “Overweight Elderly 'Live Longer,”

No science, no study, no raw data and no sourcing.

You're delusional and don't know WTF you're talking about.

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