Guess what the next 14 episodes of season 6 might be about! (Both legitimate and potential spoilers inside)

The Fault In Our Cutie Marks.

Well, this one would be a CMC episode. Applebloom has had her episode this season, but this title makes it seem like it applies to all three of them. But I also think it's getting time for us to find out if Scootaloo will ever fly.

Stranger Than Fan Fiction.

The Mane 6 and Spike go to a convention of sorts, probably either Daring Do or for perhaps even themselves, or perhaps for the Power Ponies? Spike will probably get no recognition for anything and it will be funny.

The Cart Before The Ponies.

No idea on this...

28 Pranks Later.

Pranking montage inevitable.

The Times Are a-Changeling.


Dungeons And Discords.

Spike-centered episode where himself, a couple other characters and Discord play D&D. Discord is hesitant and dismisses it as stupid, but learns that it's actually a lot of fun.

Sizing You Down.

Honey, I Shrunk the Pony?

Pet Peeves.


Where No Pony Has Gone Before.

The Mane 6 go to the moon? They did that in one of the comics...

Caving In.

Adventure episode where they go in a cave. Fluttershy is claustrophobic. Rarity gets dirty. The Mane 6 get separated and are forced to go alone and eventually find themselves back together in a comedic fashion.

Frights, Camera, Action!

Halloween episode. They need to film a movie...for some reason? Watching the Mane 6 try to act would be pretty funny.

Spell It Out!

Something is completely obvious to everyone but one character.

Flurry Heart Of The Swarm, Part 1/2

Flurry Heart is a changeling in disguise! And has been the whole season!

This is hard.

/r/mylittlepony Thread