Guess I won't be buying a house or car in the next few years. Thank you mom!

It's a common trope. I see it all the damned time on financial comment sections. The trope goes: black people got mortgages and then defaulted, causing the poor bankers such distress, causing the 2008 housing crash.

What actually happened (which was only one of many sins during this whole mess) was predatory lending on financially inexperienced people. A disproportionate number of poor black people with houses in large cities got people coming around, offering them money if they signed these papers and took out this mortgage, not reading the fine print with the balloon payments, exorbitant interest rates and other goodies. Eventually, these people would be unable to keep up the payments and they lost their houses. Because everyone was making money off these mortgages (originators and banks - the latter of whom would then offload these bad loans into securities that were then sold to others who were left to hold the bag) these kind of things happened, and ignorant people on the internet will say shit like they do. Because people want to cheerlead for the bankers and the "free markets" they blame black people for being irresponsible. You see it a lot with Republicans especially - blame everyone but these smarter than everyone else bankers who have this business degree from some ivy league school telling us how it really works and how we don't know anything.

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