Guessing this sub is astroturfed too?

Yeah whatever you say dude.

This isn’t the Sahara. In this day and age you need cunning and smarts, and other people have more of that than you, and you hate them for it. It’s obvious.

You know why it’s obvious? Because if you were one of those people, sunbathing on a yacht with a drink in hand and some supermodel at your side, you wouldn’t be saying any of this shit. You’d think about the poor and disparaged in the ghetto and not give a flying fuck. You’re not some altruistic messiah with a message of equality.

I’m a right-wing Christian but I also subscribe to evolution and natural selection. And now human beings have advanced to a stage where right of the might is no longer the game, and survival of the fittest is based on intellect. You really think men like Sean Combs, Damon Johns, and Ben Carson sir around complaining about why they’re not successful? The only difference between you and then is that they’re not a little whiny bitch, and you are. For fucks sake the president was a black man for nearly a decade. What fucking oppression are you talking about? Even if every single black people in America voted for him, you’d still be 36% shy of voting him into office, which means white people went outta their way to put a monitory into power, and yet here you are talking about how rough it is?

Jesus Christ dude I can’t even imagine what mental gymnastics you do. I’m my own man and I make my own destiny. You can either accept and negotiate the obstacles in your path, like those men did, or you can sit there like a little bitch and complain about them.

“Most men live lives of quiet desperation”

Do not fall into that bullshit. You don’t want to be most men. Grab your balls, stand up for yourself, go out your front door and kick life in the fucking face. And believe it or not - I BELIEVE IN YOU. But that shit doesn’t matter - you gotta believe in yourself. No excuses.

/r/lostgeneration Thread Parent