A guide to all 23 heroes by Flame, professional analyst and former pro player

And for a guide to teach every hero, the Junkrat section was basically one big "Fuck you!" I mean, does no one know how to play Junkrat correctly? Is this information not available to the general public?

Edit: After going over the transcipt, I can say that he's not wrong, but he's not really right either.

Actual transcipt: (Emphasis mine) The Junkrat. Ummmm...Junkrat was pretty popular on some maps. The thing that you have to remember with Junkrat is that his damage...isn't consistant. (?) Umm...you can pound Reinhardt shields on defense, say if you were holding this choke...um, this is probably one of the only maps where he is super, like, viable...it's just that you have to realize that you only have six heroes on your team when you pick him, and he's very, very countered...by...heroes that have like better range and hitscan and like high ground, like if you're playing against a Pharah, Pharah just dumpsters you. There's not much you can do against Pharah, um you can obviously like hit a pipe or something on her but...conceptually it's way harder to hit a pipe shooting up than it is to shoot a rocket shooting down. He's...probably the most countered hero in the game, like "Oh, I see a Junkrat I'll go Pharah," or "Oh, I see a Junkrat I'll go Zarya." Um...he's just hard to run, I wouldn't recommend him for like trying to climb, necessarily. Like I could talk about why he helps the enemy team build ults or support ults and stuff, he's good at shield breaking and if the enemy team can't like run Pharah maybe he's fine, but...you have your trap here...catches people in it, they can't move, um, they can't cast movement abilities, and then you have the remote mine, helps you move around, you can jump around with it, get from A to B, maybe some high ground to spam, you can like use it to like get some kills, I think it does 100 or 120 damage flat. If you hit it, it's good. (?) Rip-tire...hmm...also one of the least consistent ults in the game. Alright Mei!

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