[Guide] An in depth guide to being a Sunsinger.

Both classes can be played pretty aggressively, and even as melee builds, but I feel Voidbro is a bit better in that regard.
I usually play as a frontline mid-to-close range fighter, so here's what I do (note all of this primarily applies to PvE, I don't so much like PvP): (Kinda sorry for the wall of text, but I wanted to be comprehensive rather than short.)

Sunbro: a pretty typical build as outlined by OP. Link. Perks as usual, the Glide is up to personal preference. For the stats I chose a balanced set, because it just feels best (though I still feel somewhat slow compared to Voidwalker.) I'm pretty sure one could min-max into Armor just as well, but I don't, for personal preference. For equipment I run HotPF pretty much exclusively, because just nothing else compares to it. Occasionally Claws of Ahamkara, LbN and Apotheosis Veil (if I had one). Weapons, whatever I feel like, really: Several of my favorite exotics like Hawkmoon, MIDA, Red Death, a Heavy of personal choice (I use Hunger of Crota), and whatever secondary is most appropriate for the situation (this obviously requires a bit of a judgement call). Also any weapon with the Grenadier perk is outstanding for this build. Examples include the Swordbreaker, Murmur, Song of Ir Yut and The Chance (FWC vendor version). Plus it can randomly roll on (I believe) any type of weapon, so keep an eye out.
Playstyle amounts to keeping inside grenade throwing range, shooting stuff and tossing a 'nade whenever possible. Keep pushing forward, but don't charge in headfirst (let the punchy Titans do that, then you come in to clean up and pick up their Ghost xD). Once your super is up you can get more aggressive for its duration and lead your team into an advance inside a blazing inferno of grenades (which is the reason for using Song of Flame).
If you really want melee, because it doesn't get much more aggressive than that, use this with the Monte Carlo, Swordbreaker, HMG and Claws of Ahamkara (or maybe the Veil). If you're on XB, any weapon you're good with in close quarters is fine (I like Red Death for the healing.) Playstyle is pretty obvious, just make sure you don't die to your own grenades (or use Firebolt if you like them).

Voidbro is even more fun imo. Build. This is not an Obsidian Mind build, bc/ that somewhat requires huge groups of adds to nuke for maximum effect. Go here for that. This one plays similarly to the Sunbro one, only that the super is For Massive Damage on a big target or group of adds. The core piece is the combination of The Hunger and Embrace the Void. I use Scatter grenades because they're strongest in PvE. Vortex have the same properties as outlined by OP for Solar Flares, and Axion Bolt just deals way too little damage (not in PvP though, there it's pretty lethal). This will allow you to get a bunch of your grenade charge back any time you deal damage with any of your abilities, enabling you to throw almost as many grenades as a Sunsinger. I use high Agility because of Blink. It takes a bunch of practice to use, but once mastered is second to none for combat situations. Great writeup on Blink over here, also check the replies on this comment. Weapons as above. Armor, use the Claws or Skull of Dire Ahamkara. OM is fine too, but I feel it's not optimal here.
A melee build is pretty much the same, with weapon and armor choices as for Sunbro.

I hope this helps. If there's anything else feel free to ask.

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